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The UK has put together debt help schemes to help people resolve their debt problems and become debt free. These government backed debt schemes are completely legal and thousands of people undertake them every month.


The Department for Constitutional Affairs wrote a paper in 2004 which aimed to seek views on options to help deal with the problem of people in multiple debt. It recognised proposals for providing better help to the ‘can’t pay’ and ‘can pay’ groups.By Law you should only be paying what you can reasonably afford to pay each month.


 What is an IVA?


AN Individual Voluntary Arrangement is a legally binding agreement between you and your creditors which will normally last 5 years. You will then be expected to pay anything that you can afford outside agreed reasonable living costs. An IVA has to be set up by a licensed professional called an Insolvency Practitioner (IP)and all unsecured debts must be declared into an IVA.The IVA will be monitored during the full term to ensure that the terms and conditions that were agreed between both parties are adhered to. It is your responsibility to pay the IP who will then ensure that the creditors receive the agreed payment.


 How does it work?


OS uses some of the best debt management consultants in the UK to decide whether an IVA is right for you. Once a decision has been made, your consultant will be required to give you an assessment of your current financial situation. This information must be as accurate as possible in order to calculate the most precise repayment amount for you.Your creditors will then be asked to vote either for or against the approval of your IVA.


The IVA that you sign up to is legally binding and therefore you must keep up with your repayments. The good news is, as soon as your agreement is finished, you will be free from debts regardless of how much is paid off.




The campaign is based on 2 products that we are actively seeking consumers who would like help in managing their debts


 Debt Management Plan


A debt management plan (DMP) helps you to manage your debts and pay them off at a more affordable rate by making reduced monthly payments.

The Plan is to establish a budget that meets your household's needs. Any money left over will be consolidated into one monthly payment to your debts.


 Individual Voluntary Arrangement (IVA)


An IVA, or individual voluntary arrangement, is a legal procedure designed to help people who are unable to repay their debts.

Your monthly payments are calculated on the basis of what you can afford once your essential living expenses have been accounted for. At the end of the IVA, any remaining debts are written off.


 The criteria for a Debt Management Plan


 DM - £1000 of Debt with 2 or more creditors, and has £80 or more disposable income per month

 IVA - £6000 of Debt with 2 or more creditors, and has £100 or more disposable income per month.

 Low Debt Management Hotkeys

Delivered by live telephone transfer with Conference

How much unsecured debt do you have? 3K+ Only

Are you struggling with your debts? Yes Only

How many creditors do you have? 2+ Only

MDI survey (income/rent/mortgage/utilities/£150 GLC=MDI unsecured)?

Are you Employed/Self Employed? Yes Only

Are you in a IVA/DM plan or bankrupt? No Only

 IVA HotKeys

Delivered by live telephone transfer with Conference

How much unsecured debt do you have? £7k+ Only

Are you struggling with your debt? Yes Only

How many creditors do you have? 3+ Only

MDI Survey (Income/Rent/Mortgage/Utilities/£150 GLC = MDI Unsecured)?

Are you Employed/Self Employed? Yes Only

Are you in an IVA/DM plan or bankrupt? No Only

Where do you live? England & Wales Only

Are you under the age of 65? Yes only

Do you have more equity in your property than unsecured debt? No only

 Debt Survey Leads

Live Feed by Email Delivery

Do you have unsecured de over £2000? Yes only

Are you struggling with your debts? Yes only

Are you currently in an IVA/ DM plan or Bankrupt? No only

Would you like to discuss with a company that can help with your debts? Yes only

 The process is as follows:


● Center calls consumers in the UK and administer the criteria via CRM.


● If the person qualified, they live transfer the lead to our office in the UK.


● Once transferred the closer verifies and send the retainer to the client and gets them signed up. This becomes a billable lead to the center.


All the call center needs to do is transfer the lead to us. We take it from there.We follow-up, chase and get the verification done. The frontiers just have to focus on asking the basic questions and transferring them over to us.


 How to start?

*. Send your Company Profile with Full IT infrastructure layout and Photos of the centre.

*. Complete and signs the Non-Disclosure Agreement.

*. OSI team will review all documents and schedule a Skype conference.


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